Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bishop Eddie Long and Homophobia in the Black Church

My husband is a news junkie and he posts some very interesting things on his Facebook wall. If you really like the kind of material on this blog, you should follow him as well.

In case you haven't been following my blog from the beginning, you should know that my husband is an African-American descendant of slaves. That means that his perspective on the news is still very different from mine, so the things that grab his attention are things I often would never otherwise read.

I am very nervous when I approach Black folk on MLK Blvd because the first obstacle I face is explaining to them the common ground that I share with them, which almost always mandates that I tell them about my own "othering" process. To do that effectively without lying I can't get around the fact that I am married to an African-American descendant of slaves.

This news story explains a great deal about why I am so apprehensive doing this. The article won't exactly be "news" to the Black community, but it should help to indicate the need...and the possibility...for change.

The picture is taken from a cell phone shot sent to one of the teens that Bishop Eddie Long traveled with, and who is one of his accusers.

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