Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Portland, Oregon: The Most Hits on Google Trends for "MLK Blvd."

There is one interesting tidbit that has made me curious ever since I started this blog. Whenever I looked up the search terms "MLK Blvd" on Google Trends, the sister cities of Portland and Beaverton, Ore. kept being returned at the top of their list. Not only were they at the top of the list, but the combined hits were probably five times more numerous than Tampa, Fla., the next closest city on the search terms.

Only after I did an in-depth look into where MLK Blvd runs in Portland, Ore. did this make sense to me. It is a very long MLK Blvd.

In addition to that, it is a prominent commercial corridor.

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I have not driven along MLK Blvd in Portland, Ore., but I look forward to the day when I do. It looks to me like this is a city that was willing to do it right, and it looks like the businesses embraced the change because, unlike other businesses here in South Florida and in Muncie, Ind., the businesses actually use the name MLK Blvd rather than the old name from before it was changed.

I will keep you posted with a formal "Report Card" when I get enough information to complete one.

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